Tony Evdoka Manager !
We are pleased to announce Tony Evdoka will continue to be our 10th Team manager for Kyosho and Team Orion 2014.
Tony has been racing 10th off road for many years and is very experienced as well as being very approachable and always willing to help anyone needing advice, please make sure to say hello if you seem him trackside.
Tony sent us this picture form Silverstone club Tuesday night where he took overall TQ and win in 4wd With his Kyosho Lazer FS2 SP
He also wanted to let us know (maybe warn us! LOL) He will be running his Nova Rossi powered MP9 TKI3 as well as AKA Tires this year. He hopes to do all 1/8th Nationals if he gets a place as well as the 10th Nationals.